Our last InCoWriMo Sunday! Some of us (Mr. Ward) may be using this day to catch up. Others (yrs. truly) are using today to reply to the many wonderful InCoWriMo letters received. Whatever your reasons, I invite you to: Write Today!
Kelly shares a photo of a hand doodled postcard heading to Illinois. Doodled? Looks framable to me!

My letters numbered 41, 42, and 43 are ready to go out with the next mail:

Martin is writing to The Queen – Queen Mandy:

Michael, having joined us late, needs to write four letters per day. He seems talented enough to pull it off:

And PostMuse shares a photo of her new favorite letter writing hangout, The Coffee Buddha:

If we include today, we have five days remaining in our InCoWriMo Adventure. For those on the other side of the Date Line and already enjoying Monday, only four days remaining.
It’s been a fantastic month and it’s not quite over. Let’s squeeze out every drop of enjoyment that we can!
Photos for sharing can be sent to eric @ fpgeeks.com.