• Mailboxes du Jour – 16 January 2014

    Today’s mailbox is located in The Netherlands, in a town called Hoorn, and has the distinction of belonging to the Brown Family, which includes the eminent SBRE (Stephen) Brown. I have personally sent countless letters to Mr. Brown and it’s nice to finally see the box to which they are delivered prior to being put through Stephen’s shredder. If you’d like one (or more) of your InCoWriMo letters to be ceremoniously dropped into this mailbox, you can find SBRE Brown’s complete mailing address on the list of These 28 People Would Love to Receive your InCoWriMo Correspondence. Do you have a mailbox? Perhaps a PO Box? Maybe a mail slot…

  • InCoWriMo 2014 Countdown Timers

    Anticipation is half the fun, right? I can’t wait to get started, so I’ll keep my eye on the Puerto Vallarta counter below. I’ve listed twenty-four different time zones. If yours isn’t listed, let me know. I’d be happy to list more, up to and including all 40-ish that exist on our big, beautiful planet. See if you can spot the non-standard offsets of some of the locations below. Cool!

  • Mailboxes du Jour – 14 January 2014

    I’ll show you mine if you show me yours continues thanks to Ryan Krusac sending along a snapshop of the Ryan Krusac Studios World Headquarters mailbox in Calhoun, Georgia. Ryan’s address, as listed in These 28 People Would Love to Receive your InCoWriMo Correspondence, is 842 Bray Road. I mention this only because you’ll need to deduce – Sherlock Style – which of the four mailboxes pictured belong’s to Ryan Krusac Studios. Not to worry – shouldn’t be too difficult. Thanks for sharing your mailbox with us, Ryan. Have fun at the Philly Pen Show this week! My fellow InCo’s, don’t be shy. If you’d like to share a picture…