• Mailboxes du Jour – 22 January 2014

    Today’s mailbox is located on the lovely Merritt Island, in the lovely state of Florida, and is owned by our very own (and of course, very lovely) Tracy Lee. Of special note – to me at least – is the fact that it was on Merritt Island where, as a very young child, I nearly drowned in the Indian River. Had it not been for the quick actions of the neighbor (Sandy), I may well have perished – and would never have been afforded the opportunity to write these lines that have so thoroughly grabbed your attention. A vivid memory I have of Merritt Island is that of horseshoe crabs.…

  • Bow Ties (& Rhinos) for Your Website

    Mr. Guilt spoke to me. That is to say, Mr. Guilt of Twitter fame (@MrGuilt) and not the usual voice inside my head… Terrific idea! Thank you, Mr. Guilt. I’ve created several sizes and both JPG and PNG version. The JPG versions have a white background, the PNG versions, a transparent background. First up, the JPG versions:  And now, the PNG versions:         Related: Ink A Rhino?

  • Mailboxes du Jour – 17 January 2014

    Answering my call for mailbox photos is our very own writingrav, aka Ira Stone. Or perhaps that’s Ira Stone aka writingrav? Matters not – we have a photo of his mailbox! Ira’s address in Philadelphia is 700 Commodore Court #2750. I’ll leave it up to you to deduce which of the mailboxes pictured belongs to writingrav. Thank you very much indeed, Ira, for sharing. It is much appreciated. Anyone else care to share? Please send a photo of your mailbox, mail slot, PO Box, etc., to eric at incowrimo.org. We’ll give you (or rather, your mailbox) a place in the spotlight!