Valentine’s Day means that we’ve made it to the half-way point of InCoWriMo 2018! Congratulations! We’re doing great – and if you’re a bit behind, no worries! See how easy it is to play a little catch-up below. Today’s the perfect day to boost your correspondence count if needed – just hand-deliver a few short “Happy Valentine’s Day” notes. You’ll be back on track (or ahead of the game) and you’ll be spreading some good ol’ InCoLove!
Today’s Featured Image (above) is brought to us by @carriejojo212. Carrie loves all things paper and vintage – the caption to the above photo reads: “Showing some love to my mail carrier Becky today. She says seeing what I send & receive makes her day.”
Today’s Recipient Nominee
Today’s recipient nominee is a first time InCoWriMo participant and lives smack dab in the middle of the Pacific Ocean! Like many, she accidentally stumbled upon InCoWriMo and realized there are others like her who LOVE snail mail.
Char Mood
1104 Poha Lane, Apt. B
Honolulu, HI 96826
Char is a list maker, snail mail enthusiast, and loves pens, cool coffee mugs, and lazy Sundays.
Send Char some InCoLove today!
Need to Catch-Up?
If you find that you are slightly behind with your InCoWriMo correspondence, take heart! Bringing yourself current is easy-peasy. According to the InCoFAQs, the definition of correspondence is:
It can be a letter, a card, a note or a postcard. Really, it can be anything that you consider correspondence.
So even if you’ve yet to write anything, just grab the nearest piece of paper, the closest writing instrument, and write a quick little note to yourself. There! That’s one down. Need to catch up more? Repeat the process either by writing once again to yourself or to someone that you know you’ll see today. You’ll be completely caught-up in no time.
Yes, participation in InCoWriMo is supposed to be fun – so be sure you’re not putting too much pressure on yourself. You can do this – and we’re glad you’re InCo’ing along with us!
Address Exchange
The InCoWriMo 2018 Address Exchange is up and running! If you’re interested in receiving mail from other InCoWriMo Participants, add your name, address (and perhaps a few words about yourself) to the exchange. Visit the exchange to either share your address or look for willing victims recipients – or both!
More Good Stuff!
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